5* Very Good
Environmental Health Officers carry out food hygiene inspections at all businesses that supply or prepare food for the public within the Bailiwick. As part of the inspection, officers assess three key areas to calculate the star rating:
- Hygienic food handling practices;
- Cleanliness and the condition of the facilities and building;
- Management of food safety.
To allow you to make informed choices about where you eat or shop for food every business is provided with a green and gold star rating sticker to display and the online ratings are updated regularly.
You can search by putting in all or part of a business name, by postcode, by star rating or a combination of any of these options. You could type in the word 'café' to bring up a list of all the businesses with café in their name and then choose to only look for 5 star businesses, or even narrow down the search by typing 'GY9' in the post code box to look at all the 5 star choices in Alderney.
For privacy reasons we have not included the address for home-based businesses, but you can still find the name of the business, the star rating information and how well each of the key areas were complied with at their most recent inspection.
5 ****** WELL done Connaught Kitchen TEAM!
You couldn't do better than this.