Age Concern Lockdown Newsletter

Dates for you diary
Social Centre Obviously as we are in lockdown the social centre held on Wedneday afternoons is closed. We will return as soon as it is safe to do so, in the interim we will keep in touch via the post, thanks to our amazing posties.
Taxi's I am pleased to say we now have an arrangement with Bills Taxis, we are offering all of you a free taxi to and from the surgery for your second Vaccination while car sharing is not permitted. Please ring Bill on 07911730303 and he will be happy to get you to and from the surgery in a safe manor. Just quote Age Concern when booking your taxi.
Doctor Visits If you feel unwell, please make sure that you telephone the surgery on 822077, they are concerned that there is a reluctance to contact them due to the latest Covid lockdown. They will advise you over the telephone if you need to see a doctor. Please remember if you do need to go to the surgery you need to wear a face mask. If you are unable to drive yourself there please rin Bills Taxis and quote Age concern and he will get you to and from the surgery safely.
Ambulance Service As of 2021 Everyone is now covered automatically, your subscription is now part of your Anual Rates, so please do not be afraid to call this service if you need it.
Crossword I have enclosed a crossword for you to do if you would like to. Its a bit of fun, however if you do finish it, post it back to me at 1 Butes flats, Butes Rd Alderney GY9 3UN you will then go into a prize draw for a Chippy meal for 2 sponsored by Braye Chippy.

Pen Pals If you have received a letter from a Pen Pal I would ask that you reply to them if you are able to, apparently there are a lot of children looking out for the postman at the moment, if you haven't received one yet don't worry they are still coming in and will be posted out to you.
Lastly, Please, Please, Please stay safe, look after yourselves, remember Face masks, Hand Gel and regular washing of your hands. If you need a shopper, or any other support, please ring Barb on 07781123637 and we can arrange anything you may need.
Please see overleaf for useful information - Other useful community resources for older people in Alderney
Domiciliary Cate Service is charged at £16 per hour and hours are agreed between the client and Connaught care home representative who will visit at your home or at the MMH before discharge. Tel 07781123637 or ring the Connaught directly on 822756 or pick up a leaflet, Monthly accounts for this service will be sent to clients from the Connaught care home.
Day Care A variety of day care is available at the Connaught, Half day, Full day, Night, Night and day. For Charges and availability please ring Liz on 822756 Ext 5.
Meals on Wheels operated 7 days a week, there is a charge of £7.50 per day, Main meal and Dessert this can be arranged by telephoning the Connaught on 822756 Ex 1. Delivered by a team of volunteers.
The Connaught Activities. All Alderney residents and their carers are welcome to join the Connaught and Jubilee activities delivered weekly in Connaught Lounge for;

Contact Annie Savage on 822756 for more information on the above.
Voluntary Services
- Age Concern. Support in the community for all elderly residents along with a Weekly Social Afternoon Held on Wednesday afternoons at the Island Hall 2pm till 4pm. Community Vehicle. (Offers Transport to and from appointments) Contact Barbara Benfield for further information on 07781123637.
- Home Aids. These are supplied by Age Concern, small items can be collected and returned Via the charity Shop, larger items can be delivered and collected by arrangement, please ring Barbara on 07781123637 for further information.
- Derby and Joan. Monthly Social evening. Contact Dilla Wright on 07781131689 for further information.
- Salvation Army Open door every Tuesday afternoon, Coffee morning every Saturday morning
- Lunch Together Organised by the Methodist Church and held on alternate Thursdays, please contact Methodist Church for more information
Milly's Foundation. Dementia support and events. Siting service available. For more information contact Leslie Cairnduff on 07781149908 or Liz Bowskill, Manager of the Connaught on 822756.