Lockdown - Stage 2 - Visitors Guidance

Public Health have agreed that each resident may have one agreed visitor from Tuesday 2nd March.
- It will be the individual's choice of named visitor, and where Guardianship is in place an identified named visitor will be made by the Guardian(s).
- The time allocated is to be decided by the Senior staff - but is not to exceed 1 hour per appointment.
- It is paramount that visitors attend promptly for their given time slot, so that previous visitors can be escorted from the premises to reduce the risk of meeting.
- Visits will not exceed more than three visits per week unless agreed with the Manager and under exceptional circumstances e.g. palliative care.
- PPE is to be worn by the visitor - especially masks.
- Temperature of the visitor should be taken prior to the visit taking place, and recorded within the log. It will be the zone care assistant's responsibility to talk the visitor through the temperature check, and to escort them to the room at two meters distance - keeping them away from other residents and staff.
- This folder includes the Visitor Log where pre-booked appointments can be made.
- Appointments should not be made without referring to the log to ensure no two visitors are booked in at the same time.
- As long as the resident is happy, physical contact can take place between themselves and their visitor, but the visitor must be reminded that they have to adhere to the rules of social distancing when moving through the home.
Visits Outside of the Residential Care Facility
- It is now possible for a resident to go out in a car with their named visitor instead of the visitor coming into the home - but the car has to be thoroughly cleaned prior to the resident going in the vehicle, and no other persons should be present.
- This would be treated exactly the same as an appointment and booked in advance into the Visitor's Log.
- It would be possible to meet with another individual only if social distancing of two meters can be completely guaranteed, the environment and surfaces can be guaranteed to be clean, and hand hygiene can be maintained. We strongly recommend that this is done in a public open space as all involved are less likely to breach social distancing.
- For those residents who want to go out by themselves, we would ask them to take a mask if going into enclosed spaces such as shops, cafés etc. as they will be asked to wear them. Please sign in and out of the building, continue to practice social distancing, and hand sanitise regularly. We would also recommend you wear a yellow lanyard (please see staff member).